brief description
The story takes place in Japan in the early 21st century, in an alternate reality where the Tokugawa Shogunate has remained in power. In this reality, student councils are tasked with oppressing schools. Yagyuu Muneakira is a high school student who rebels against his student council with the help of girls who've had the names of famous samurai heroes passed on to them.
this anime is also new this season with 11 episodes so far
next episode 12 is due LATE monday 20 December 2010
the due date for this anime is a bit off in comparason to others as it will generaly be avaiable to view on the monday but sometimes early tuesday
NOTE: the anime is classed as a 17+
with that in mind there is symply anime violence
when there is to be nudity on screen it is covered by a series of ink blots. keeping it cleaner than it is rated
so in my opinion it should be more like a 15+ rather than 17+